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Driver Education

Chemeketa’s driver education classes serve students ages 15 and older year-round in Salem, McMinnville, Dallas, Stayton, Silverton, Independence and Monmouth. Our course is an Oregon Department of Transportation approved course.

Requirements to Apply

  • Be at least 15 years of age
  • Hold a valid permit (or license)
  • COST

    Full Cost


    • Students 18 and older
    • Students with driver license or out of state permit

    Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Discount Prices


    • Students 15-17 (complete course prior to turning 18)
    • Valid Oregon learner's permit (no driver's license)


    • Students 15-17 (complete course prior to turning 18)
    • Valid Oregon learner's permit (no driver's license)
    • Qualifies for SNAP, TANF, or free and reduced lunch (documentation required)

    Cost Includes

    • 30+ hours of classroom instruction
    • 12 hours of in-car training
      • Six hours of driving
      • Six hours of observation
    • Textbooks and reference materials

    Your DMV drive test may be waived if you are ages 15-17 and successfully pass the course.

    *cost increases may occur every year*

  • FAQs

    How does the DMV Drive Test Waiver Work?

    If a student between the ages of 15-17 takes and successfully completes our program, the certificate issued at the end of the course will waive the DMV drive test.

    We do not conduct or do the DMV drive test. When a student completes our program DMV is recognizing that the drive section that they pass with our program meets or exceeds their standards of a drive test.

    Students who are 18 and older or turn 18 during the course will still need to complete a driving test at the DMV after completion of our program.

    What is the low income subsidy?

    There is a $75 State subsidy program making the cost $295 for applicants that qualify for the Free and Reduced lunch program and/or the SNAP or TANF programs. Show eligibility letter from the school district, from SNAP or from TANF. Home school students can qualify through the school district they are in.

    (This benefit applies only to students under 18 years of age and without a license.)

    What if I turn 18 During the Course?

    If you turn 18 during the class (this is typically noticed by the office at the time of registration) you will be charged the full cost of the program ($590)

    What if I get my license before I complete the course?

    If you obtain your license before completion of the course, you will be responsible for the full cost of the program ($590).  This may result in bill of the difference between what you paid and the full cost of the course.


  • Annual Schedule

    Spring 2025: April 7 - June 9

    Pre-registration opens February 3rd at 8 am and will close February 4th at 5 pm.


    Summer Session #1 2025: June 18 - July 16

    Pre-registration opens April 14th at 8 am and will close April 16th at 5 pm.


    Summer Session #2 2025: July 29 - August 21

    Pre-registration opens June 2nd at 8 am and will close June 4th at 5 pm.


    Fall 2025: September 22 - November 17

    Pre-registration opens August 11th at 8 am and will close August 13th at 5 pm.


    Winter 2026: January 12 - March 9

    Pre-registration opens November 3rd at 8 am and will close November 5th at 5 pm.


    *Drives will be schedule outside the required classroom time and may take an additional 1-2 weeks to complete after the last class*

    Course dates are subject to change


    Step #1: Pre-register

    Class enrollment is limited and pre-registration is required.

    1. A link will be made available under the schedule section to pre-register on the date/time provided. See the "Annual Schedule" section to view upcoming pre-registration dates.
    2. The pre-registration is an intent to take the course and will ask very basic information (applicant name, parent name, and contact information)
    3. Applicants will be selected at random per location. 

    After the pre-registrations are reviewed, you will receive an email notification of your class status by the following week. 


Spring 2025 (April 7 - June 9)

Spring pre-registration is closed. Classes are full. 


Summer Session #2 2025 (June 18 - July 16)

Pre-registration will be open on April 14th at 8 am and will close on April 16th at 5 pm.
Check back in March to view the Summer schedule!



Please refer to the 'Annual Schedule' section to view the upcoming pre-registrations dates.


Complete the Schedule Updates (click here) form to receive email notifications on when classes will be scheduled. 

 Job Opportunity

We are hiring for a part-time driver education instructor! Applicants must be certified through Western Oregon University Instructor training.

To apply, click HERE

Any questions regarding the Driver Education Instructor position, please email

Updated February 4th at 5 pm.