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Education for Driver Education Instructors

Chemeketa offers online continuing education classes for driver ed instructors throughout the year.

Current Classes


Brain-Based Learning (eight hours of CEU)

The purpose of this course is to help the driver educator understand how the brain works and how to maximize your effectiveness in teaching driver ed.

Liability and Legal Issues (eight hours of CEU)

Students in this course will explore how to limit their liability and risk within the driver education classroom. Topics addressed will include how to properly communicate with their driver education participants, as well as how to respond to common issues that arise in the driver education course.

Improving Instruction Practice (eight hours of CEU)

Course participants will examine their instructional practice and develop tools on how to improve their skills as a driver education instructor. Students will explore various tools on how to effectively plan lessons, access resources in their area, and practice their research skills as professionals.

Understanding the Teen Driver (eight hours of CEU)

This course explores the current culture among teenagers. Students will also learn how better support driver education class participants through improving their instructional practice. Topics addressed include implementation of positive coaching techniques, classroom management techniques, and use of stress management techniques


  • $75 per eight hour course

Payment can be made over the phone in the form of debit/credit card
Checks can be mailed to our office and made payable to Chemeketa Community College


Download, complete and return the Continuing education registration form