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Community Education

Chemeketa offers numerous classes open to the community.

Driver Education

Chemeketa offers driver education courses to students ages 15 and up throughout the mid-Willamette Valley.

Chemeketa Cellars Community Classes

Class opportunities include charcuterie, painting and yoga. Class dates and times are available on the Chemeketa Cellars website.

Community Agriculture Classes

Agriculture-based topics such as composting, wreath making and more are offered from Agricultural Workforce Training and Community Agriculture.

Truck Driving

The truck driving certificate program provides the knowledge and skills needed to earn your Commercial Driver License (CDL) in four weeks.

Non-Credit Early Childhood Education

The Academy is an educator training center located within the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry providing non-credit training for early, mid, and advanced career early childhood educators, along with consulting and customized training.

CTE Exploration Week

CTE Exploration Week (sponsored by Oregon Career Pathways) gives students ages 14-16 in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties a chance to have FREE hands-on experiences on Chemeketa's Salem campus during the summer. Additional information can be found on the High School Programs page.

Real Estate/Ed2Go

For information on Real Estate training courses and Ed2Go courses, contact the Small Business Development Center.